Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Illegal Dumping

To dump or cause to be dumped any waste matter, (old mattresses, TV's, Toilets, Car Oil, Car Batteries, Tires, etc.), upon any public or private highway, road or property is a crime. Illegal dumping is a crime that has become a chronic problem within some parts of the City of Los Angeles. In addition to increasing community fear and apathy, illegal dumping can be a breeding ground for disease carrying insects and vermin. Illegal dumping can also add liability to the City in the form of increased claims for injuries.

Illegal dumping is a violation of California Penal Code section 374.3 which prohibits non- commercial and commercial dumping of waste material, or causing it to be dumped on public or private highways or roads.

Tips for the General Public
• Obey posted no dumping signs.
• Recycle items you legally must, such as car batteries and motor oil, at certified recycling centers.
• Recycle items you can such as scrap metal, cardboard, newspaper, glass, aluminum, tin, and water-based paints.
• If recycling household hazardous waste, contact the City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Waste, Household Hazardous Waste Hotline, at (800) 552-2128.
• When cleaning work sites it is best to sweep them rather than hosing them down.
• Use nontoxic cleaning products and include safety equipment and cleanup materials appropriate to the type of materials involved.
• Take household chemicals and toxic materials to a local Household Hazardous Waste Roundup instead of dumping them on the ground, down the sink, into a gutter, street or storm drain. To find out when a roundup is going to occur in your community call the Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation at (800) 98-TOXIC.
• Wash vehicles with biodegradable, phosphate free detergents.
• Prevent oil, grease and other toxic material from spilling into storm drains.
• Reuse leftover paint for touch-ups or recycle it at a local hazardous waste collection event.
• Never clean paintbrushes or rinse paint containers into a street or gutter.
• Use organic or nontoxic fertilizers and pesticides.
• Place pruning waste in approved containers for pick up.
• Keep a trash bag in the car and use it. Don’t throw anything out of the window.
• Dispose of pet waste in trashcans.
• Do not sweep compost yard trimmings into the street.

Tips for Commercial Companies
• Use only approved dumping facilities.
• Properly use and store all hazardous materials.
• Use pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers carefully and sparingly.
• Treat rinse water from empty hazardous material containers the same as you would treat the material.
• Protect stockpiles and materials from wind and rain by storing them under tarps or secured plastic sheeting.
• Schedule grading and excavation projects for dry weather.
• Prevent erosion by planting fast-growing annual and perennial grasses. These will shield and bind the soil.
• Store pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals in a covered area to prevent runoff.

Who is Responsible
• For bio-medical waste; syringes and needles, contact the Los Angeles Fire Department.
• The Bureau of Engineering, Stormwater Management Division is responsible for the following items and mitigating their disposal:
• Batteries on all public rights-of-way.
• Hazardous waste on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Oil-based paint on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Liquid latex or water-based paint in the storm drain system.
• Asbestos on all public rights of way.
• Petroleum-based waste oil on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Human waste (feces) on all public rights-of-way.
• Liquid cooking oil on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Solid cooking fat on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Non-hazardous spills from traffic accidents on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Dairy product spills on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Liquid food waste spills on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Solid food waste spills on sidewalks.
• Mixed solid/liquid food spills on sidewalks and in storm drain system.
• Liquid nonhazardous waste on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.
• Pharmaceutical waste on all public rights-of-way.
• Empty pharmaceutical containers with the assistance of the Bureau of Street Maintenance.
• Pressurized/empty gas cylinders on sidewalks.
• Full/partially dried paint cans on sidewalks.
• Hazardous spills from traffic accidents on sidewalks and in the storm drain system.

Who to Contact
• If you see materials you believe are toxic or to recycle toxic waste, contact the City of Los Angeles Hazardous and Toxic Materials Office at (213) 485-4011.
• If you see solid waste material contact the City of Los Angeles Integrated Solid Waste Management Office at (213) 237-1444.
• To report illegal dumping contact the City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, at (800) 974-9794; Los Angeles County Department of Public Works at (800) 303-0003.
• To report spills contact the Los Angeles Police Department Hazardous Materials Unit at (213) 485-4011, the Los Angeles Fire Department at (213) 485-6185 or the City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works at (800) 974-9794.

You may contact the Los Angeles Police Departmentby calling the following, toll free, at 1-877-ASK-LAPD (1-877-275-5273) or TTY 1-877-275-5273 for the hearing impaired. You may also obtain additional information on this subject, along with additional crime prevention tips, by visiting the Los Angeles Police Department’s Web site at www.lapdonline.org and clicking on the “Crime Prevention Tips” icon.

Should you have information regarding a criminal investigation or activity, please contact your local police station or the LAPD crime hotline at 1-877-LAWFULL (1-877-529-3855).
Los Angeles Police Department Community Relations Section 

Crime Prevention Unit
150 North Los Angeles Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012
(213) 485-3134

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The safety of our Neighborhood is not up to the Police...IT IS OURS!

It is up to everyone that lives in our community to watch out, not only for themselves but, for their neighbors. If you see cars that are parked and not moved for more than 72 hours call 311 and report it. If you see any vandalism, PLEASE report it. If you see someone that obviously doesn't belong or is doing something they shouldn't be, PLEASE report it. Lets keep our neighborhood clean, if you see furniture being dumped, call and have it removed.


Senior Lead: Officer ???
Office: (818) 838-9847 Cell: (818) 731-2553