Tuesday, August 19, 2014

CELLPHONES more popular than cash to crooks

Last week, in LAPD'd Mission Area, 12 cell phones were stolen in different crimes.  Turns out, the cell phones were stolen more often than cash: 3 in robberies; 2 in shoplifts; 4 in car burglaries; and 3 in home burglaries.

So what makes your cell phone more popular than money?

In our cash-less society, how many people walking down the street have $100, $200, or $500 cash on their person?  But walking down the street with a iPhone on one's hip or in hand, is like flashing $100 bills to some crooks.

Cell phones, like the iPhone, are high in demand, can be resold at near market value, and even sold off for $100 or more at kiosks in malls.

So forewarned is forearmed.  Be smart in how you flash your cell phone in public.  Don't walk down the street with earbuds, holding your phone.  You are a vulnerable victim, just like a person flashing $100 bills.

You're more apt to have a phone snatched out of your hand while walking alone, than if you are walking with a partner or in a group.  So when walking alone, keep the phone put away.

Drivers, remove cell phones and related cables from sight in your car and you home.  Burglars look for those and other popular electronic items first.

Businesses, lock up your merchandise and employees' purses and be aware of distraction tactics by crooks who come into your store in teams.

Restaurants, teach your servers to remind patrons not to leave cell phones sitting on the table or bar.
Many crimes are impulsive acts, so sometimes, out of sight can be out of mind.  Keeping your cell phone under wraps, especially in public, can safeguard you against being a victim.

by Lt. Paul Vernon

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The safety of our Neighborhood is not up to the Police...IT IS OURS!

It is up to everyone that lives in our community to watch out, not only for themselves but, for their neighbors. If you see cars that are parked and not moved for more than 72 hours call 311 and report it. If you see any vandalism, PLEASE report it. If you see someone that obviously doesn't belong or is doing something they shouldn't be, PLEASE report it. Lets keep our neighborhood clean, if you see furniture being dumped, call and have it removed.


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