Friday, January 24, 2014

Home Security

The facts about burglary...

• More than six million residential burglaries occur every year in this country. That's one every ten seconds!
• Nearly half of these burglaries are committed without force — that is through UNLOCKED doors and windows! Most of these burglaries could be prevented.
• Always lock your doors and windows even when leaving for “just a minute.”
• Never leave a house key available: under a doormat, in a flower pot, on the ledge of he door. These are the first places a burglar will look.
 If you would like to make life even harder for crooks — remember the following tips:
• Exterior doors should have “dead bolt” locks with a 1 inch strong metal bar extending into the frame.
• Sliding doors and windows should all have “ventilation” locks as well as auxiliary locks to bolster security.
• Be sure to include good locks for garage, cellar, patio or other doors that lead out through storage areas or a spare room.
• For more information on locks, contact your local law enforcement agency or write for the Attorney General's Home Security Handbook.

Going Out?
• Lock all doors and windows.
• Use timers so that lights, radio, TV, go on and off throughout the house to indicate someone is home.
• For longer trips be sure to stop mail and newspaper delivery or have a neighbor collect them daily.
• In short make your house look, “LIVED IN.”
Remember, if you come home and see a broken window or a jimmied door, don’t go in.
Confronting a burglar can be dangerous. Phone the police immediately.

Other Tips
• Install a wide angle lens viewer in the front door. Never open the door without knowing who is there.
• Consider alarm systems or trained security dogs for additional protection.
• Whenever you move to a new home, have the locks changed.
• Post Operation I.D. stickers in doors and windows to warn housebreakers to stay away.

Don’t let them knock your block off!

Want to know the best crime prevention tool ever invented? A GOOD NEIGHBOR!
• Law enforcement officers can’t be everywhere at once, but you and your neighbors can. You’re the ones who really know what’s going on in the neighborhood.
• Put that neighborhood know–how to work. It’s simple: just use your eyes and ears —then your telephone. If you spot something suspicious, call the police or sheriff immediately.
• Don’t try to stop a criminal yourself —it can be dangerous.
• Neighbors working together in cooperation with law enforcement make one of the best crime fighting teams around.
• For more information on how to start your own NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH GROUP — contact your local law enforcement agency or write the Attorney General’s Crime and Violence Prevention Center for your own Neighborhood Watch Guide.

In three communities of Long Beach, California, active Neighborhood Watch programs resulted in a 45 percent reduction in residential burglaries.

“Don’t let anyone tell you that Neighborhood Watch is an excuse to be nosey."

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The safety of our Neighborhood is not up to the Police...IT IS OURS!

It is up to everyone that lives in our community to watch out, not only for themselves but, for their neighbors. If you see cars that are parked and not moved for more than 72 hours call 311 and report it. If you see any vandalism, PLEASE report it. If you see someone that obviously doesn't belong or is doing something they shouldn't be, PLEASE report it. Lets keep our neighborhood clean, if you see furniture being dumped, call and have it removed.


Senior Lead: Officer ???
Office: (818) 838-9847 Cell: (818) 731-2553