Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Save A Life. Learn CPR

Community: CPR Used by LA Sheriff's Deputies & Security Saves Woman at Sylmar Juvenile Hall Court. Save A Life. Learn CPR.

CPR Used by LA Sheriff's Deputies & Security Officer Saves Woman at Sylmar Juvenile Hall Court. Save A Life. Learn CPR.

Sheriff's Security Officer Gerry Fregoso was alerted that a woman seated in the front lobby of Sylmar Juvenile Hall Court was possibly having a seizure and in distress Friday, Aug. 9, 2013. He saw a 38-year-old woman unconscious on the floor.

He immediately called for Deputy Derek Kruzner to assist him, and made a radio broadcast to the office for paramedics to respond. Deputy Tim Hemphill called 911 and Deputy Kruzner and Security Officer Fregoso placed a pillow under the woman's head and were trying to revive her.

Her face was turning purple, she had stopped breathing, and they couldn'tt locate a pulse. Officer Fregoso maintained an open airway, Deputy Kruzner began rescue breathing using a manual resuscitator and Deputy Richard Nonn started chest compressions.

The lifesaving Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) continued until Los Angeles City Fire personnel arrived.

Through the use of a defibrillator and oxygen they were able to restore the patient's pulse and breathing. They transported her to a local hospital at 10:29 a.m. where she is recovering.

Medical personnel believed the woman was in full cardiac arrest from a possible heart attack and believed that she will survive thanks to the efforts of all involved.

Security Assistant Elizabeth Thomas and Deputy Frank Gutierrez greatly assisted by evacuating the lobby and directing paramedics to the location.

The Court Services Division of the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department provides for the security of the Superior Court of the County of Los Angeles, the largest county court system in the nation
Sylmar Juvenile Hall Court is policed by the LASD Court Services West Bureau.

LEARN CPR, SAVE A LIFE (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation)

American Heart Association

American Red Cross

Save A Life. Learn CPR.

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