Friday, July 20, 2012

Some Useful Phone Numbers

Auto Repair in Residential Area -
Dept. of Building & Safety: 888-524-2845. Minor emergency repairs must be completed within 24 hours. All other auto repair should be done within a building or an area wholly enclosed from view by wall or fence. Auto Repair in a residential area for profit or as a business is against the law (LAMC 12.221A(a), 12.21A8(a).

Bee infestation Information: 800-233-9279
Blighted property –
Dept. of Building & Safety, Problem Property Resolution Team: 888-524-2845 or 311.

Child Abuse -
Child Abuse Protection Unit - Provides a comprehensive approach to detecting, intervening and prosecuting child abuse crimes in the early stages of the cycle of child abuse: 213-485-2352 or 311 or Child Abuse Hotline: 800-540-4000

Dead Animal Pick-up
– Bureau of Sanitation: 800-773-2489 or 311

Elder Abuse Hotline: 877-477-3646
Graffiti Removal: 311
Identify Theft –
Mission Area Police Station: 818-838-9800. Equifax: 800-685-1111. Experian: 800-397-3742. Trans Union: 800-680-7289. Federal Trade Commission (FTC): 877-438-4338. Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General: 800-269-0271

Illegal Residential Home Based Business
– Dept. of Building & Safety: 888-524-2845 or 311.

Mosquito Control –
Greater Los Angeles Vector Control District: 800-371-4402 or 311.

Stay Alert

We are still experiencing theft of gold chains/necklaces being yanked right off people’s necks.
May be a good rule of thumb that if you know you’re going to be walking alone not to where
expensive jewelry. Of course the best idea yet is to not where it all if you’re going to be out in public
walking, riding on public transportation, even shopping alone. Please share this information with your NC Public Safety Committees and NW groups.

Also being stolen, especially from kids/teens are those who are wearing their earphones, headsets or "iPods" while out walking. The thief comes up from behind someone and grabs it and runs off. And due to the fact that the person wearing these items cannot hear anyone coming up from behind them; they have no way of knowing they are about to be robbed.

We need to make it a habit to keep reminding people to "Lock It, Hide it, Keep it". The amount of people still leaving valuables in plain sight in their vehicles or leaving windows cracked open and or doors unlocked is overwhelming. Even if you’re going to be away from your vehicle for a minute you still need to close all windows and lock all doors. It only takes a thief a few seconds to reach in and take what they want. You would be surprised how many thieves could be watching you park your vehicle to see whether you have secured your vehicle or not. Also there are thieves who walk through parking lots or ride bikes through communities looking into vehicles or trying the door handles to see if they have an easy access. And it doesn’t matter to them whether it’s .50 cents in a cup holder or your $3,000 laptop.

National Night Out

August 7, 2012

The 29th Annual National Night Out is August 7, 2012. Stop by the station and pick up a flyer with the complete list of the event close to you. You will find the local event exciting, fun and informative. I hope to meet some of you at these events.

Our event will be from 5:30 – 8pm at Cardenas Park 14740 Blythe St, Panorama City. Hot dogs, popcorn, drinks, free haircuts, raffle, face painting and music. For more information contact Senior Lead Officer Humphrey at 818-838-9847.

Mission Community Police

Message from our Commanding Officer

This summer we need to continue to protect our neighborhoods. Our neighbors will be on vacation and it is a perfect opportunity for the criminal element to burglarize and vandalize our community. If you are going out of town, here are few things to remember; stop your newspaper delivery, secure your windows with anti-slide devices, set automatic timers for key lighting throughout your house, and have someone pick-up your mail. We all deserve to enjoy a vacation and not return home to have found criminal activity. Keep a look out and help our community.

Our police personnel and community are working assertively to improve our quality of life here in the Mission Area. As of 6/23/2012, we have had six homicides, eighteen rapes, one-hundred fifty one robberies, and two-hundred thirteen aggravated assaults. This is a 12% decrease in total violent crime compared to last year-to-date statistics. In the category of property crimes during the same time period, we had three hundred seventy three burglaries, three-hundred forty five grand theft autos, six-hundred fifty eight burglary/theft from motor vehicles and five-hundred and three personal/other thefts; representing a three percent decrease in total property crime compared to last year-to-date statistics. Our goals are challenging with opportunities to better our community; with your continuing support, we will achieve our goals.
I want to hear your concerns and encourage your participation in our community policing efforts. Please direct your questions regarding Mission Area to my office at (818) 838-9980 or to the Mission Area Community Relations Office at (818) 838-9856.


Captain Todd Chamberlain,

The safety of our Neighborhood is not up to the Police...IT IS OURS!

It is up to everyone that lives in our community to watch out, not only for themselves but, for their neighbors. If you see cars that are parked and not moved for more than 72 hours call 311 and report it. If you see any vandalism, PLEASE report it. If you see someone that obviously doesn't belong or is doing something they shouldn't be, PLEASE report it. Lets keep our neighborhood clean, if you see furniture being dumped, call and have it removed.


Senior Lead: Officer ???
Office: (818) 838-9847 Cell: (818) 731-2553