Halloween Crime Prevention for Kids
Halloween is an exciting time of the year and a particularly special treat for children.However, Halloween can be very stressful, as some people may play mean tricks and provide tainted treats. Parents and children should be alert to unnecessary hazards.Concerns about child security can ruin the joy of Halloween.These crime prevention tips can help make Halloween a safe and more enjoyable for everyone.
Crime Prevention Tips
Do not leave your home unattended.
Walk through your neighborhood with others to discourage acts of malicious mischief and speeding motorists.
Only give homemade treats to children you know. Make sure the treats are properly wrapped.
Give commercially wrapped treats to children you do not know.
Instruct your children to never enter the home of a stranger.
Never invite children into your home.
Instruct children not to stray from their group.
Children should never be allowed to go out alone.• Always know who your children are with.
Always escort your children. Or have another trusted adult escort them.
Adult escorts should carry flashlights.
Children should walk, not run, to avoid tripping.
Children should never accept rides from strangers.
Turn your porch light on to let children know it's all right to visit your home.
Children should never take shortcuts through backyards, alleys or parks.
At night, children should stay on well-lit streets.
Children should wear comfortable, proper fitting costumes and shoes. Oversized costumes, shoes, boots or loose fitting high heels can make it difficult for children to walk.
Props, such as toy guns, swords and knives should be made of soft rubber, Styrofoam, cardboard or other pliable material.
Replica firearms that could be mistaken for real firearms should be avoided.
If your child carries a jack-o'-lantern, a flashlight should be placed inside, not a candle.
Children should use non-allergenic facial makeup instead of masks.
Masks can restrict vision. If your child wears a mask, make sure it is removed when he/she crosses a street.
Children should look in all directions before crossing the street and should obey all traffic signals.
Children should always walk on sidewalks and not on streets.
Children should cross streets at comers. They should never cross streets between parked cars, in the middle of blocks or diagonally across intersections.
Streets in rural areas without sidewalks should be avoided. If there are no sidewalks, children should stay as far left of the roadway as possible and walk facing traffic.
Halloween Crime Prevention Quiz for Kids
Halloween is a time for ghosts and goblins and fun with your friends. Almost everybody is nice,but sometimes a few people play mean tricks on children at Halloween.These tricks include putting dangerous things in candy and treats. Play it safe on Halloween and follow the advice in the Halloween Crime Prevention Quiz below.
Place a check beside the answer you feel is best.
1. Someone gives you candy that is not wrapped and sealed by a candy company. You should:
a. Eat the candy.
b. Save the candy for another day.
c. Throw the candy away.
2. One of the treats you were given has something suspicious sticking out of it. You should:
a. Bite into the candy to see what it is.
b. Tell your Mom and/or Dad immediately so they can report it to the police.
c. Do not tell anyone and save the candy for later.
d. Give the candy away.
3. The safest way to go trick or treating is:
a. Alone.
b. Late at night.
c. On your bicycle.
d. With your parents.
4. The best place to go trick or treating is:
a. In a strange neighborhood.
b. In your own neighborhood where you know people.
c. Where there is a pumpkin in the window.
For more Crime Prevention Information visit our web site at www.lapdonline.org